Bearna Beo

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Happy Ending in Search for Misty

There was a happy ending to the week-long ‘Misty-Saga’, but also a warning to be aware of deep holes at the side of the road near Thornberry.

Misty pictured after her dramatic rescue!

As you may recall, the 12-year-old Jack Russell disappeared a week ago last Sunday, while out for a walk with her owner. She had just been let off the lead for a little run, when she seemed to vanish into thin air.

Despite exhaustive searches by her distraught owner and neighbours, she was nowhere to be found.

Miraculously, six days later, two local men were walking their dog, Sheba, at the same spot when the pet became distracted. When they investigated, they saw a little dog at the bottom of this hole.

Misty was barely visible under all the growth.

It seems that there are a number of them along the bypass road (between Thornberry and Creagan), possibly meant for street lighting. They are incredibly deep and dangerous, though. Please be careful, and watch out for your children and pets.

Sincerest thanks (on behalf of her owner, Peg) to James Davoren and Aidan McDonagh who found her alive - after being missing for six days.

It shows the importance of having good neighbours.

Ps James pointed out the danger posed to little animals by these holes: