Bearna Beo

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Home Targeted In Early-Morning Attack

Gardaí were called to a house in Thornberry in the early hours of this morning (Tuesday), after it was 'egged' by a number of youths.

Gardaí were called to Thornberry in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The owners of the house, which is in the centre of Bearna village, were awoken by a bang at 1.37am. They looked out their windows and saw eggs on them. They then ran outside, but the perpetrators had already made their escape on foot.

Gardaí from Salthill station arrived shortly afterwards and, despite patrolling the area, did not pick up anybody. However, they have been furnished with information locally which has focussed the investigation on a group of young people living in the area.

And, Bearna Beo has been contacted to say that there were teenagers hanging around the playground late last night - they could possibly be the same group. Another resident spotted a group hanging around the back of Spiced Restaurant at approximately midnight. They had a white dog with them, and aroused suspicion due to the pouring rain.

It was a very rainy night, so the culprits will have arrived home with wet clothes, which may jog someone’s memory. Parents need to know where their children are at night, it’s not asking much.

“It is alarming to think that teenagers are out this late on a Monday night/Tuesday morning, deliberately targeting a house,” one of the homeowners told Bearna Beo.

This is a very upsetting occurrence for any householder and, more so, because this family believes it was targeted by persons known to them.

If you saw anyone acting suspiciously around that time, or know who was responsible, please get in touch with Salthill Garda Station: 091 514720.