We have three national schools in the parish: one in Bearna Village, a second in Furbo, and a third in Boleybeg. There are also Five pre-school facilities.
Naíonra Réalt na Mara, Na bhForbacha (Furbo): 087 2071462 naionrarealtnamara@gmail.com.
An Chéad Eitilt (First Flight) Creche and Montessori, Furbo: 091 590814 ffcmf@gmail.com.
The Den Creche and Montessori, Bearna village (behind Supervalu): 091 591766 childcarebarna@gmail.com.
Happy Feet Creche and Afterschool, Creagan, Bearna Village: 085 7773054 happyfeetcreche@outlook.com.
Naíonra Cháit, Scoil Buaile Bheag, Bearna: 087 6057432 naionrachait@hotmail.com.