Tús Nua Natural Living - Bearna Easter Artisan Fest

Focus on Bearna Artisan Easter Fest on Sunday (April 14).  

Fiona and Ronan Kennedy (Tús Nua Natural Living)

Fiona and Ronan Kennedy

Fiona and Ronan Kennedy

Based in Oughterard, and set up just over a year ago, Tús Nua Natural Living specialises in all-natural skin care products. 

"For years, we had failed to stop and look at the list of ingredients in any of the products we used daily - if the byline was convincing and it got results, that was good enough. We were swayed by persuasive marketing.

"They saying is: Don't put anything on your skin you wouldn't be willing to eat. Considering that everything we put on our skin is absorbed into our bloodstream, our lack of knowledge about what we were using was something we couldn't ignore any more." 

The couple closely examined the various lotions and potions lying around the house, and realised that virtually none of the list of unpronounceable ingredients contained within these products were safe for consumption. They decided it was to time to change things, and take some control. But the best alternative turned out to be making the products themselves, so Tús Nua Natural Living was born.

“We put an emphasis on keeping things as simple as possible - we use no chemicals nor preservatives, and our products are scented only with Doterra essential oils. Nothing goes into our products that doesn't have a reason for being there.” 

Whether you want to clean, moisturise, scrub or sooth, there are products for you!

E: info@tusnuanaturals.com
W: www.tusnuanaturals.com
Facebook: Tús Nua Natural Living

Bearna Beo