RSA Car Seat Check

Who wouldn't go to the ends of the earth to protect their children... 

But, many of us are falling down in the very simplest of daily tasks - making sure their car seats are fitted properly. The latest figures suggest that 80% are not.

Barna child's car seat check.jpg

If you are concerned, a team from the Road Safety Authority will be in the car park of Clarke's Supervalu, Bearna, on Tuesday, February 20, from 10am-5.30pm, to offer free checks, advice, and recommendations. They will be at the Galway Shopping Centre the following day. 

The main reasons for incorrectly fitted car seats are: 

  • Safety belt has too much slack in it, causing the fitting to be very loose. 
  • Safety belt not routed through child seat correctly (see pic below).
  • Buckle resting against the frame of the child car seat, causing ‘Buckle Crunch’, which may cause the buckle to open. 
  • Handle on baby seat not positioned properly. 
  • The seat is too big or too small for the child. 
  • Child seat not compatible with the car. 
  • Child seat has exceeded the manufacturer’s recommended guideline for duration of use and is in bad condition.
Barna car seat check.png

For more information visit the RSA website:


Bearna BeoSupervalu